Magic mushrooms of Outcast
Main city
154-C Depot, main city

153-C Depot, trainers

218-D City teleports

51-A Dragon islands

88-A Dragon islands

56-A Elite lands

4-A Elite lands

87-A Football area

71-A Forgotten islands

102-B Golden boots quest

5-A Jungle, east

12-A Jungle, South

2-A Game hall teleport

92-A Wild warrior cave, West stairs "Old widow library"

91-A Warlock area, Full ectoplasma quest

3-A Tempest shield quest

15-A North of main city, warlock/demon area

53-A North-East area of main city

54-A Spider islands

33-A Somber inferno

147-B Main city area quest

24-A Spider islands

25-A Warlocks area, burning heart quest?

57-A Game hall teleport

245-D main city, East side

211-D Jungle

188-C Main city, North-East area

61-A Aberon jungle

13-A Aberon jungle

7-A Aberon jungle

114-B Deeper banuta

26-A Aberon jungle

126-B Adicama, Eastern exp doors

6-A Adicama South
55-A Adicama West
207-D Adicama city
237-D Adicama dragons mountain
Forbidden forest
1-A Forbidden forest North-west corner

67-A Forbidden forest far North

37-A Forbidden forest beginning

38-A Forbidden forest underground

23-A Drushak, harashaki quest

250-D Drushak demons
10-A Snowmania, Dark warrior set quest

199-C Snowmania, Dark warrior set quest

27-A Soft boots quest area, ending. Mushroom is south-east from teleport

68-A Gem quest area

148-B Lithgow North-west corner

77-A Lithgow South-east corner

86-A Gem quest area

35-A Zenith set quest area

81-A Zenith set quest area

172-C Zenith set quest area

201-D Edron boat

60-A Edron North East area

45-A Qutor's grove, East

170-C Qutor's grove far East
191-C Qutor's grove
243-D Edron orcs

66-A Edron orcs

101-B Tarid city, middle arena

11-A Tarid orc fortress
31-A Tarid hota quest
63-A Tarid orc fortress
98-A Tarid Boots of haste quest on the South-East tower, South from city

202-D Tarid middle mountain
244-D Tarid far to the East
62-A Oceanic lizard weapon quest path

31-A Tarid, Deathlands, graveyard at North, bright sword / hota piece quest

112-B Oceanic lizard weapon, house

190-C Tarid boots of haste quest/ black knight village

78-A Tarid city

17-A Tarid, HOTA quest black sheeps
34-A Valmoor North area trolls

75-A Valmoor city

16-A Valmoor

76-A Valmoor

125-B Valmoor, Batman's house

140-B Plains, demons area underground

143-B From magicians creek cp, west side house

84-A Fallen gods, upstairs from behemoths
82-A Way to Cyclip shield quest, krampus house in the city
90-A Plains area, first city

168-C Plains checkpoint

145-B Plains area at the stone lever area

85-A Magicians creek North-east place

83-A Map of Rose shield area, hidden under a tree

185-C Bullcity

209-D Bullish city
29-A magicians, Fallen gods
46-A Beluna, West side downstairs, where's panda boss

163-C Beluna place after lever hell

241-D Beluna South, demodrases

18-A Beluna ending, 3 surphyres

79-A Beluna hell

80-A Sky wep area

124-B Sky weapon area, East from stairs

Sky weapon area, ending

Wrecked ship area
120-B Wrecked ship ending, before rewards

48-A Wrecked ship, with some demons

Before the teleport to the Mysticon

100-A Mysticon, most Northern part of the island

94-A Mysticon, after long path

36-A Mysticon, East from checkpoint

70-A Mysticon main area

93-A Mysticon, far to the West

171-C Mysticon, last area. West place, ladders are South

128-B Mysticon, before reward room, south

179-C Mysticon quest area, after serpent boss. West side stairs down and go south-west.

161-C Mysticon. Wizard boss is to the West from here.

Oceanic lizard shield
41-A Oceanic lizard shield area, North-east

Skyrider shield
Skyrider shield area

Skyrider shield, from cp2 underground the tower

113-B Skyrider shield, second last place

141-B Skyrider shield, last place

195-C Waterfalls checkpoint 2, tower nearby

221-D Skyrider waterfall checkpoint 1

223-D Skyrider waterfall checkpoint 1

Desert of Zenith & Dunes
Desert, West side

Near entrance to Dunes

Mountain of Desert of Zenith

208-D Dunes

74-A Yalahar Incan empire, North

42-A Yalahar dark mountains, West side stairs down

43-A Yalahar inner circles

105-B Yalahar inner circles

44-A Yalahar Chambers (No picture Yet)
146-B Yalahar inner circles, near downstairs to hybrids (No picture Yet)
226-D Chambers

39-A Yalahar Incan empire, Northern part

105-B Yalahar circles
20-A Yalahar circles, North

174-C Between Yalahar circles and spaceship under 2 skulls

155-C spaceship stairs, last place

239-D Spaceship upgrade room (Roc head->spacestick)

121-B Spaceship ending

Abysses of Achernar
106-B Abyss 3 after cobra teleport
107-B Abyss 3 after cobra teleport

144-B Spacewalk

227-D Abyss 2
129-B Spacewalk

164-C Spacewalk end before teleport to Prison (NO PICTURE YET)
131-B Prison

132-B Prison


130-B Prison


Kingdom farmalnds
175-C Kf 1 checkpoint

65-A Kf 1 East from checkpoint

50-A Kf1, Far to the East

203-D Procyon's lair

123-B Kf 2 Hamsters

118-B Procyon's lair

69-A Procyon's lair

122-B kf3

238-D Kingdom farmlands 3

177-C kf3 downstairs to the East

116-B Blackhole

234-D Farmpit, procyon/giants

Edron bossrun 1-4, red carpet
150-B Axxion labyrinth

Axxion, Panda bear quest

32-A Axxion/endy wand upgrade quest

Bossrun 2, near desert of zenith teleport

Way to Spaceship key quest

159-C Red carpet

110-B edron bossrun 4

135-B Edron bossrun 4, South house upstairs

240-D Edron bossrun 4

Edron boss run 5


Realms, draconir city wall

Realms, North-East corner with hitchhiker's

Spydyr 1

Figuring out the spots / waiting for image