Full helmet of the Ancients

Right horn piece for HOTA

Follow the same path as to Annihilator, but instead of going through the maze, go West. Go to the hole with heroes, follow the path to the North-west, go through the doors and follow the path to the end.

Left horn piece for HOTA

From Adicama ship, head far South, on West side is hole down near a small pyramid. Go full down as far as you can, you’ll come across an experience door and hole down. The chest is guarded by some pharaohs.

left hota piece

Helmet adornment piece for HOTA

At Adicama desert, head East from the center, and go up to the dragon hills. Go downstairs as long as you can and head East again and hole down. There’s an experience door, the chest is guarded by 3 demodras.

hota adornment

Gem holder piece for HOTA

At Adicama desert, head East, after 2 prison like places there is a teleport behind experience door. Go there, then Southern teleport and follow the path to the end. There’s some pharaohs and djinns on your way, also need to pull one lever.

hota gem holder

Tarid: Broken helmet of HOTA

Head same way as knight armor quest but go further down. Find your way to the East side of the cave filled with Giant spiders, eventually you’ll find some The Old widows. Kill those, go through and find the chest North of the room.

broken hota

Tarid: Helmet piece of HOTA

Head to the same way as Naginata quest, but go downstairs. Go past the experience door, switch the lever to get past the magic wall to claim your reward.

hota piece

Tarid: Helmet ornament of HOTA (with bright sword)

Head same way as Blue robe & life crystal quest and go West from the chests. There’s an NPC looking like a demon skeleton named Ghast. Say Hi, deathland to get to the secret place. Go first stairs down, there’s a bright sword chest. Head more down and East. You’ll eventually find experience door, behind there is warlocks and Necropharus protecting the precious chest.


Making it all come to together: Full helmet of the ancients

As you have collected all the 7 pieces for the Full HOTA head from Tarid’s boat far East. You’ll find a little city beneath the mountain with few Noble warriors. Go North-west of that city and go down to a hole. Go as far down as you can, pull a lever and head to the teleport which leads you to the quest area. Put all the pieces there to finish your quest.

full hota
full hotaend