Oceanic lizard weapon upgrade

Oceanic lizard weapon to Sky rider weapon upgrade quest

Recommended level

1100, duo 900


Starboy tasks Angels task (50 kills), xarptors task (15 kills) and The hurricanius task (200 kills)

Oceanic lizard weapon of your choice

17 gold nuggets

This quest requires some brute force more than time. There’s just 2 levers you need to pull but they hard mostly protected by some harder monsters such as craak yetiroths, wizard of gamma and cyclip gods. After pulling those levers you need to go to the South past the vermithraxes, sky rider knights and angels of death. Downstairs is NPC for who you need to talk to. Just say “Hi, exchange, deal, upgrade oceanic lizard (wand,sword,club,axe,spear).

Start this quest at Be'luna, either Beluna checkpoint or edron boss run 1. Go to the middle house and downstairs. Hop into the first teleport you see down there between stairs.

Way to skyrider weapon upgrade

This area is just full of small rooms with teleports. Kill all the monsters and always go to the next teleport. Eventually you’ll get teleported to a tower. Get down and now you are at the main quest area.

Skyrider weapon upgrade

Now you need to find 2 levers. First is up North with craak yetiroth. Then follow the path from East and go full South. There’s stairs down and then sewer. Follow the path to the end with full of surphyres and Wizard of Gamma at the end. As you go ladders up, there’s the lever you need to pull.

Skyrider weapon upgrade

Now just get to the Sky Wizard at South to upgrade your weapon past the Vermithraxes, sky rider knights and angels of death. The magic words are: Hi, exchange, deal, upgrade oceanic lizard (weapon of your choice).

Skywep wizard