Way to Kingdom farmlands 3 checkpoint
Go back up from the last scope and head West and cross the bridge. There’s experience door, go past it and hop into the teleport.

Here are the 2 remaining scopes you need to collect. Go down and follow the road to the South. Find a bridge to cross and there’s 8th scope at the end of it near ladders down. NOTE This will summon 2 vermithraxes behind you.

9th scope is downstairs with alot Morgaroth X’s. Get past them and pull the scope. NOTE: this will summon 1 orbithrax to the stairs down, 1 Vermithrax up the ladders. Now you have collected all the 9 scopes and can continue your journey to the infamous The Red Carpet.

Way to Red Carpet - Edron boss run 3
Now you are up to a real challenge of nerves. The red carpet is challenge of ages but no fear! There’s a video showing how to solve it but if you are eager to solve it yourself, don’t watch it!
From the last scope head top of the mountain. There’s a teleport past the Morgaroth X’s. Hop in there and get past the small route full of Barracuda men. Then comes the Chief Noble Warriors and at last small room with Mehmet’s. Go in any teleport as they all go into the same place: The Red Carpet.
Now get past this huge maze, easiest way is to put coins on which tiles are standable and which are not with other item (For example gold coin on ok tiles, platinum coins on no-go-tiles). After all this maze with Barracuda Men X’s you get into the teleport with Edron boss run 3 checkpoint.
Video might be easier as it’s big place.