Achernar's prison
As you have finished all those previous quests, this is the hardest so far in 2023. Now you need just a great tactic with a big enough team to pull this through. This is an anti-res zone, there’s only some white tiles where you need to stand on while using the resurrection tool inside a dead body.

Resurrection tile
Here are some res-tiles on the way.

First up, clear those war elephants or the summons will tear your team apart from the start. Always go with only 1 blocker in front and mages should use wild growths to prevent the monsters from retargeting them when the blocker is drunk.
As you have almost finished the first part there’s gonna be 1 juggerman for a taste of what’s coming after that. Hop into the teleport, there's a res tile right where you get spawned. Clear your way to the end past Cobratrons, juggermen and war elephants and so on. Here’s so many different kinds of monsters. At the end you need to find an invisible wizard boss and kill it to get teleport to spawn here. It takes around 1 hour to disappear.
As you hop into the teleport there’s gonna be some Achernars, procyons, orbithraxes and vermithraxes and some other monsters. Get past them and continue your journey.
Eventually you’ll come across a tower where you need to jump into a teleport. Kill the monsters and go forward. For those who stays back: there is a slight chance there will be within 30 seconds juggerman or some other monsters.
After getting past the tower you can claim your first reward: Achernar's Psychean Neckband.

Push forward again and you’ll go to the last place soon enough. There’s gonna be Achernar X’s, Vermithrax X’s and some Achernars. Kill those and talk to the Achernar NPC about reward.