Kingdom farmlands 2

Way to Kingdom Farmlands 2 checkpoint

Get back up from where you now and head South. Be advised, if you have pulled these scopes, 1 player summons 1 procyon and 1 Orbithrax near the entrance. Go through the experience door and get to the other side past the ubergiants. Follow the narrow road to the South past all the Doraduses, there are also alot Vermithraxes, Orbithraxes and some Procyons on the way. The checkpoint is to the North-East.

Kingdom farmlands 2 checkpoint

Lever scopes & scope to collect

Like in Farmlands 1, there’s also lever scopes at this place. 1st lever scope is North-East from the checkpoint. There’s procyons and vermithraxes.

7th scope is at the top of the tower to the South-East. Go past the vermithraxes, Orbithraxes and lily samoyed to get to the tower like place. There’s 3 vermithrax at first, at the tower is 3 levels with 1 orbithrax and 2 procyons. The scope is at the top.

Kingdom farmlands

2nd lever scope is underground. Go past many hard monsters and pull the scope to the right.

Kingdom farmlands
Kingdom farmlands 2lever scope

Now you are able to continue to the Kingdom Farmlands 3 checkpoint.

Continue to Kingdom farmlands part 3