Crown & burning heart (Follow up for Dragon scale helmet & great shield)
As you arrive to Aberon, the city of apes (without that many apes) you’ll face some slightly stronger monsters on your way such as Ancient tigers. Go from jungle area to South-east (you can use scythe/rune to cut down the grass) and go downstairs. Follow the path to East holes, eventually you’ll come across teleport behind experience doors and behemoths. Burning heart chest is in that room. After claiming your reward, go to the teleporter and head down again. Stairs go 2 ways, head East for crown. Go as far East, this place is basically just behemoths and 1 Uglo.

Dragon scale helmet & Great shield (Follow up from Crown & burning heart)
Continue your journey as you have claimed crown and have gone back to the stairs, to South stairs. There are some warlocks on your way. You’ll find teleport at South, head there. Go through the experience doors and follow the path to the end. You’ll face at most 2 hybrids and 2 osirises with 2 chests and a lever. That specific lever is for Deeper banuta.

Opening the gates to deeper banuta
Head to the dragon scale helmet and great shield quest to the South-east and stairs down.

Magic plate armor, Dragon scale legs
Recommended level: 700-800
After opening the lever for Deeper banuta, head South to the ape city and go downstairs. Head even deeper, you’ll find a teleport at the middle-right room guarded by some monster such as hybrids. As you go deeper into the Banuta, you’ll have to clear some Morgaroths, orshabaals, holy knights to open 2 levers for Magic plate armor chest. Then go to the middle place, after killing 2 surphyres, grab the chest and go into the teleport. Head South-east corner for the dragon scale legs.