


  • Finished Yalahar abyss of Achernar 1-3
  • Recommended level:

  • Group of people between levels 3000-5000
  • Rewards:

  • Achernar’s prison checkpoint

  • As you have came from Yalahar Abysses of Achernar 3 to here you might want to take a break if you are with a smaller team. This will take some time to clear as there’s loads of different bosses, easy and hard ones, but alot of them. There is no actual brain tests here but with the monster, yes. You need to know your limits and don’t just barge into the piles of monsters. There’s going to be some X-monsters such as Orbithrax X. Few Juggermen, Cygnuses, Cygnus juniors and so on. Just take your time and finish all the places as you can.


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