Zenith set to draconian set upgrade

Upgrade Zenith set to Draconian set

Recommended level: 2 players with level 500 or alone 800


  • Zenith set OR Templar set (Obtained through Zombie event or buy from players)
  • Zenith ring
  • Elemental brooch (Obtained through elemental brooch in Valmoor)
  • Crown (Obtained through Crown quest in Wild warrior cave quests)
  • Empty ectoplasma container (Obtained through empty ectoplasma container quest in Vroengaard)

  • From Lithgow boat, head North from the city walls and go down to the hole between magical trees, go through the experience door to teleport. Now you have to find a lever in this maze area. It is at the West side guarded by a morgaroth. Follow the YELLOW line to the lever and BLUE line to the next area. Here are some bermuda draconises and pharaohs of some kinds. Head East to the lever, pull it and head to the BLUE circle where is a teleport and Surphyre. At the last area, you’ll face some morgaroths, xarptors, hybrids, suprhyres and 2 xapters. There are 2 levers on each side of the area (YELLOW circles). Pull them and go upstairs with a BLUE arrow.


    As you arrive here, put all the items at the altar and pull the lever. Congratz! You just upgraded your first set!
