Qutor’s grove: Tear of daraman quest
Enter the teleporter up North inside the depot. Go stairs down and head East. Eventually you’ll come across ladders heading down. Go as far south as you find a narrow path with a teleport. There’s 1 krampus and a chest.

Edron: Annihilator quest
Reward: Choose from: Epicureanic armor, black helmet or satyr helmet Recommended level: 400
From Edron boat, head North outside the city lines and go down to the hole. Follow the path to the Annihilator. There’s 2 ways to make this: either 4 players or have level 100 to try it solo. It has 6 Orshabaals and 1 dark wizard, so I recommend you to be at least 400 level.

Edron: Demon legs quest
Recommended level: 400
Head same place as Annihilator, but go North from there. Follow the path through ladders and teleports, you’ll face 9 orshabaals on your way before the last room. The reward room has Ancalagon the Blacks, Scyllas and Krampuses.

Edron: Soldier Blessimus Necklace quest
Recommended level: 400
Go to the North-west Scylla/draconis cave, same path as way to Fallen gods. The chest is guarded by 3 orshabaals, on the way you’ll face 2x orshabaals and bermuda draconises on small holes.