Endymions & Archmage Wands upgrades

Endymions & Archmage Wands to Aratron or Aether Wands upgrade quest

Recommended level: 400


Staff of ArchmageStaff of Archmage
Endymion's wandEndymion's Wand

Hydra headHydra head

colourful featherColourful Feather

Purple essencePurple Essence

For starters, if you don’t have edron boss run 1 checkpoint or dark overlord checkpoint 1, check out Access to edron boss run.

From edron boss run 1 checkpoint go South and very first red door teleporter on your right with hypergiant.

Follow the road to the end with some easier monsters and hop into the teleport there. Follow the road again and you’ll find yourself at the mountain. Get to the other side and go downstairs. Note: there’s a teleport to the North for depot, if you got cold feet!

Way to Underwolrd Axxion

As you find stairs leading down, go South, use exani tera or rope to get up and follow the road till you find a teleport. Follow the path till the end as you find checkpoint place with 2 teleporters.

Ladders going down before this checkpoint is Endymions & Archmage Wands to Aratron or Aether Wands upgrade quest.

Continue to Endymion's / Archmage staff quest

Go ladder down and follow the road to the North, go up with exani tera/rope. Then just clear the monsters and upgrade the wand.

Way to endymion's wand upgrade
Endymion's wand upgrade / Staff of Archmage upgrade