
Soft boots

Recommended level: 600

From the Lithgow boat, head West cliffs, after stairs go down to the hole. Find your way to the North-west, nothing too bad is here yet, after going to the fire area, you’ll find some harder trolls and adonis yetiroths. At the end of that place is a teleport. Follow the quest till the end, you can’t get lost from now on. The chest is a little bit hidden behind the trees, don’t forget to take before going to last teleport.

soft boots soft boots chest

Achilles Legs, Faceless Helmet or Blessimus Necklace Quest

Recommended level: 600

Requirements: 1x of all 5 gems: Yellow gem, red gem, violet gem, blue gem, green gem

Head West, same way as soft boots quest and go underground. Head North-east and go down to the hole with behemoths and demons. Head -2 level and you’ll enter the beginning of the circle with ents. Here are 3 levers you need to pull in order to get through the magic walls. Once you have pulled all the levers (3 marked on the map), head back where you started and head East (red circle on map). There are ladders up, follow the path to the South and go in to the teleport. You’ll be now in a small room with some Gryphons. Pull the lever and you’ll get to other room with gems behind the counters. Put all the 5 gems and pull the lever up North (Don’t go in teleport!) After that you can choose your reward.

gem guest gems lined