
Left horn piece for HOTA

From Adicama ship, head far South, on West side is hole down near a small pyramid. Go full down as far as you can, you’ll come across an experience door and hole down. The chest is guarded by some pharaohs.

left hota piece

Helmet adornment piece for HOTA

At Adicama desert, head East from the center, and go up to the dragon hills. Go downstairs as long as you can and head East again and hole down. There’s an experience door, the chest is guarded by 3 demodras.

hota adornment

Gem holder piece for HOTA

At Adicama desert, head East, after 2 prison like places there is a teleport behind experience door. Go there, then Southern teleport and follow the path to the end. There’s some pharaohs and djinns on your way, also need to pull one lever.

hota gem holder

Great axe

Requirements: Shovel/rune of almighty abilities
Recommended level: 500-600

Head South-west corner and use shovel on stone pile. Follow the path always to South, eventually you’ll see a teleport. Go in, after that go Southern teleport to enter the quest area. In a narrow place, you’ll face all kinds of pharaohs. After that, you’ll come to a place like Annihilator (4 players) and possibility to do this solo. There awaits 11 orshabaals and 1 xarptor guarding the chest.

great axe