Yalahar abysses of Achernar: Part 2
Here you need to pull 10 levers and claim some experience from them. Also you need to find 2 levers in order to continue your journey from here to area 3. Some of the levers will summon bosses across the area 2 so be careful when moving around.
You’ll find 1st lever near the checkpoint inside a little pyramid. Grab it there and leave it facing to the right.

Continue forwards to the docks from the West side. There’s gonna a lot of monsters so move with cautious. 2nd lever is around the middle way to the docks in some houses. Go ladders up 2 times and find some Foxes and other small monsters that move fast but doesn’t hit alot.

3rd lever is near the docks entrance inside a small house.

Next 2 levers + 1 wall lever are at the docks area. 4th lever is at the most North-East corner of the area. It is protected by lots of Wizards of Visualis. 1st wall lever is from there to the West in the big ship.
5th lever is at Southern docks, the last ship.

Now let's grab the 2nd wall lever at the middle area on top of the smaller building. There’s orbithrax and vermithrax before the lever and some other monsters.

Keep going North inside the walls. There’s 6th lever inside a white tent. Grab it and go forward to the East ladders at the end. Go up and push yourself past the knights to grab the 7th lever.

Now comes a little harder part. Go South-East and upper stairs first. There’s 8th lever inside a building.

Now go to the last place South and stairs up from the first on your left. 9th lever is stairs up from the first stairs to your left with knights, 10th lever is a little further from there on lower level.

Now you can enter the Abyss area 3. Go inside this same place you are in now to the East and talk to the NPC by saying the password “Hi, b6 vep”.