Desert of Zenith

Desert of Zenith


Access to Desert of Zenith Dunes of Darkness hunting grounds

Queen of Zenith outfit



Shaman's Tiny Furnut Sack (Lootable during the quest from Ancient Shamans)

Recommended level:

solo: ek/rp 3500, mage 3500-4000

duo: 2500-2700

Finding yourself in the hot, dry, confusing and sandals full of sand, you try to find old dusty coffins while killing the fastest monsters in Outcast. Here you will face Vermithraxes, Evil and Very Evil Limps, Mungoraths, dozens of Red Rippers, The sky riders and many more bosses in masses. You need to find 33 coffins in order the complete this quest, all of them are in this same area, main floor but mostly underground.

Go from Edron boss run 2 and head South to the first teleport. The checkpoint in the town is to the West small house with a teleport. Grab it before you continue.

Let’s start by killing the Wizard boss at the North mountains. Head North and go underground. Follow the road always to the North holes and you’ll eventually come across some Evil limps. Then go up with the ladders a couple of times and you’ll find some place like a small island. 1st coffin is to the left, hidden. The boss is across the other side, there’s a small house with 4 barracuda men. Kill those and pull the lever to get to the other side and hop into the teleport after killing the boss. This boss removes a stone underground where we are going soon.

Wizard & lever & 1st coffin
1st cof

Now you can start gathering the coffins. You’ll get teleported to the backyard of a house in the South-West corner. Go upstairs with the Dark overlords and grab your 2nd coffin.

Desert coffin 2

Go underground at the backyard and go North. There’s 3nd coffin. Go South and more underground, follow the road to the place with Xapters and Surphyres. Go North there and you’ll find 4rd coffin.

Desert of zenith underground hidden
Desert coffins 3 and 4

Then go back South and stairs down. There’s Xarptoriuses times 2, you can skip them if you want. Here are the Ancient shamans you need to kill for Shaman's Tiny Furnut Sack. Grab as many as there are players in your team. After getting enough you can head to the teleport.

Now grab the rest 2 coffins at the desert. 5th coffin is to the North-West from the spot you just got teleported. 6th coffin is just North from there. Both of them are at the oasis of their own.

Desert coffins 5 and 6

Let’s head underground to the East with most of the coffins in the area. Here are also most of the hardest monsters you come across.

Underground 2

Herer's the first floor: 7th and 8th coffins

Coffins 7 and 8

Second floor: 9-12th coffins

Coffins 9, 10, 11 and 12

Now you need to sacrifice your Furnut at the altar.

Furnut altar

Third floor: 13-16th coffins

Coffins 13, 14, 15, 16

Fourth floor: 17-22th coffins

Coffins 17,18,19,20,21,22

And now as you go South past the Vermithrax to the teleport, there was a stone, but as you killed the wizard boss at the mountains, it was removed.

Now here it is pretty straight forward path. Just keep going forward as far as you can, there’s always another teleport and coffins along the way. In total here’s 7 coffins = 29 coffins.

Along the way there comes a place with 8 instruments. You need to touch every single one of them (in any order) and then you can pass the experience door. There’s also Wizard of Elroy IV. It just resets the stone to prevent other people to access the quest, they have to go up on the mountain to kill the wizard boss again in order to come down here.

Wizard of elroyDesert instruments
Coffins 23,24,25,26,27,28,29

Now let’s head to the second worst place of the area: The sky rider levers. Head same hole as you last time entered to the dungeons to the East. Now go from first floor to the East stairs up. There’s 6 levers you need to pull.

1st lever is near the entrance.

1st lever of desert

2nd leveris to the South on second turn with xarptors.3rd lever is to the South hole.

2nd and 3rd lever of desert

Go down from the East and pull the 4th lever by the Alphas. There is the spot where you need to come back after pulling all the levers.

4th desert lever

For the last 2 levers go up the rope hole to the East and go forward through hypergiants. Downstairs is xarptors and the 5th lever is to the West with Very evil limp. 6th lever is upstairs with King Aethbeld.

5th and 6th desert lever

After pulling them go back to the 4th lever and to the South from there.Get past the Surphyre maximus and Vermithrax to the teleport. Pull yourself together and get past the mobs and bosses. There’s a teleport, Do not go there, go past it to the secret hole. There’s the 30th coffin at the end.

30th coffin, last coffin

To get back to the surface, head back to the 2 teleports and then to the teleport where you weren’t supposed to go few minutes ago.

Head North to the mountains, downstairs and to the East rope hole. Go up and follow the road past the stairs going up. There’s 31th coffin at middle North corner.

31th coffin

For the last 32th and 33th coffins, go downstairs.

32th and 33 coffins

Now head back and go upstairs the stairs you went past before collecting any of these last 3 coffins. There’s the queen Zenith at the top with Vermithrax. Talk with her “Hi, queen zenith outfit”.

Queen Zenith

Continue to Access to Desert of Zenith Dunes of Darkness