Yalahar abysses of Achernar 1

Yalahar abysses of Achernar: Part 1


  • Access to Spacewalk from where you can access to Achernar’s prison

  • Recommended level:

  • 1st part: Duo 2700
  • 2nd part: Duo 3000
  • 3rd part: At least 5 players over level 3500, recommended to have a bigger team

  • Requirements:

    Spaceship key quest to access Yalahar abysses of Achernar checkpoint 1

    This is the beginning of a bigger quest line, biggest of them all for now. This all starts from Edron boss run, from where you go to Spaceship key quest. Grab your best gear and collect as many companions as you can as it’s going to be a long way to the chests.

    You need to pull 2 levers from the East walls and kill Guardian Doradus in order to continue your journey on area 2.

    Starting from checkpoint 1 go East walls. There are 2 levers, 1 North side at the end and other South side at the end.

    Abyss 1 lever

    After getting those levers go in the middle Colosseum area. Go underground there with alot Xarptors, Xapters and Xarptoriuses. There’s another hole where is no way back with Wizards of Visualis and Gammas.

    Clear those and go even deeper with Craaks and go 1 more time down and there’s gonna be alot of Canopus Doraduses with Guardian Doradus.

    Abyss 1 guard

    After killing the Guardian, hop into the teleport North-West corner and go full West and to the hills. There’s now gates opened and teleport has appeared behind the bars. Go in there and kills the Guardian Samoyed. Checkpoint 2 is to the West from there.

    Abyss 1 finished

    Continue to Yalahar abysses part 2