Forbidden forest: Country backpack quest
At forbidden forest ship, head East stairs. If you are age 1 or more, you can skip the actual quest run. That will take 2-3 minutes, depending on your level, as there are Elemental draconises on the way. Yellow circle is the reward room, red circle is the stairs up, from where you just need to follow the path until you’ll come across a teleport. You’ll get teleported inside a small house, go upstairs and claim your desired backpack.

Forbidden forest: Passage scroll quest
Recommended level: 300
Requirements: Scythe or The rune of almighty abilities
From forbidden forest ship head North. You’ll come across stairs going many times up. Go just once and go “inside” the mountain. Follow the path to the North, you’ll face some wheat on your way there, use scythe or the rune of almighty abilities to cut it down. Continue your journey through many bermuda and elemental draconises. As you come to desert, go South-east and go ladders down. Head full South, there’s stairs going up with no way back. There’s 2 mad cows protecting the chest.

Forbidden forest: Battle spear quest
Recommended level: 300-400
First, you need to pull a lever to the North tunnels. Go from second hole down, then head to West. It will make the stalgamite disappear. Head back up and go West stairs. You’ll face some bermuda draconises, giants and other monsters on your way. At the mountain, head South, then North, then to the hole and you’ll come across the place where you just removed the stalagmite. Go inside the hole, there’s a teleport. Follow the desert path to the North-west and go in the teleport. Follow the path, eventually after going teleports and going up, you’ll come across with Riddler NPC. The password is ‘Madonn’. Collect your reward.